This is as good a place to start as any!
The basic idea of the app is to have it unfold something like a comic book. The panel numbers correspond to the weeks of pregnancy. We’re so early on here that most of it isn’t even filled in, but you have to start somewhere. So yes, eventually, the idea is to have a screen with 40 accessible panels. Each will expand when clicked on. A short animation will play outlining some key events of that particular week and/or some trivia (kinda like the short animation below this massive picture…scroll down to view). There’ll be options to proceed to the next week or back out to the home screen.
At the moment, the target is 8-10 year olds and we’ll flush out the kinds of wording and language that might be appropriate as things progress.
Honestly, we have no idea at this point if this is something we’ll try to monetize or whether it’ll be free. We’ll figure that out as we go and will be based on feedback, interest and how many (if any) others come on board for the ride. I can admit that I kinda like the idea of also turning this into a picture book but that, like all other aspects of this project are on the table for discussion.
This is an experiment in the truest sense of the word. Any thoughts are appreciated so shoot us a line!
FULL TRANSPARENCY: I work full time running a science animation studio (sciconic.com). I work with some fabulous collaborators, but this gives me the opportunity to plant myself at the intersection of art, animation and interactivity. The shear thought that I might be able to work with a few others to create something viewers might learn from and be inspired by…that makes me happy.
Very happy.

Get an insider’s peek at the process of art and prototype creation, thoughts on where this could lead, and how things develop!