We’re developing a simple app that walks kids through the process of pregnancy.  This is going to be AWESOME!

Get an insider’s peek at the process of art and prototype creation, thoughts on where this could lead, and how things develop!


Sometimes, life just doesn’t go as planned.

My plan to discuss pregnancy with my kid consisted of my waiting until she asked about it.  Seemed like a great plan.

Except she didn’t ask about it.

Instead, when she was five, she proudly shared her theory of pregnancy and childbirth early one Tuesday morning before school.

It was awesome.  And wrong.

100%.  Wrong.

I’ll spare you the (NSFW) details of that discussion.

As a science animator, I make my living using pictures and animations to explain complicated concepts.

You would think I would have put two and two together.

But, it wasn’t until about a year later that my daughter was at a playdate.  That’s when her friend’s parents shared their daughter’s theory of conception.

Good times.

And, also NSFW.

Because, if there’s anything more “awesome” than having your kid derive a theory of how the baby gets OUT, it’s having them enlighten you with their thoughts on how the baby gets IN…

Here’s the deal.

This is a work in progress, so if you have suggestions or ideas please feel free to share. At this point, we’re designing an app along with a comic-style book.   We’ll be keeping you updated of our progress (the good, bad and ugly) and, if you sign up for updates, we promise to keep the process completely transparent.  And, if you’re willing to share your own child’s theories of human reproduction we promise not to make fun of you.

Your kid’s story can’t possibly be any more “awesome” than mine’s.  But, if you think you can blow my mind…

Give it your best shot.

Your five year old hasn’t made up her own theory of conception, you say?

Just give her a minute.



Get an insider’s peek at the process of art and prototype creation, thoughts on where this could lead, and how things develop!